Learn the secrets of being a far more EFFECTIVE and ENGAGING medical speaker - by a leading European professional.
When you consider that 38% of all global meetings are healthcare, medical or scientific. Isn’t it shocking that so few speakers have ever received any training? Have YOU?
In this video-based course you will be shown in detail, how the professionals plan, structure and deliver outstanding presentations: how to handle nerves, avert on-stage disasters and conduct Q&A and facilitated discussions with confidence. See detailed course curriculum below. (Overall course duration about 2.5 hours).
“Roy Sheppard is a man with great experience in presenting, both live and on screen. So different from what doctors and scientists normally do, but because of that, drawing people’s attention immediately. Roy has great didactic skills. His teachings, e.g., within the context of ESMIT (The European School of Multi-Modality Imaging and Therapy), have helped many doctors to improve their presentation skills. For certain, his lessons how to present oneself during streams and webinars I will never forget. In fact, I make use of them every time I give a presentation.”


Young European medics give their reactions after attending the classroom version of this course
Course curriculum
Welcome to the course!
- A message from your instructor Roy Sheppard FREE PREVIEW
- How to use this course
- Before we begin... tell us a little about yourself
- Introduction to this course
Module #1 - Introduction
- 1. Learn from the good, the bad and the ugly FREE PREVIEW
- Why you need to think more like your audience
- Understanding YOU as a presenter
- Handling nerves (part 1) FREE PREVIEW
- Handling nerves (part 2)
Module #2 - Planning and Creating New Presentations
- Planning a new presentation
- Structuring a new presentation
- Designing an attention-grabbing 'opening'
- How to ensure your 'close' drives your message home
- The awesome power of relevant storytelling
Module #3 - How to improve your delivery - dozens of professional tips and techniques
- Delivery techniques - part 1
- Delivery techniques - part 2
- Handling Q & A like a pro
- Dealing with the unexpected (and other potential disasters)
- An introduction to facilitation
Module #4 - Presentation technologies
- Basic Powerpoint Design - do's and don'ts
- Advanced Powerpoint features that could change your life forever!
- Using other technologies to enhance your presentations (part 1)
- Embrace Event Technologies
- On-camera skills for webinars and hybrid meetings
A few final words
- Some encouraging words from Roy
- Before you go...
Save time by learning from your desk or on your tablet or phone.
Full price $297. This introductory fee of only $48 gives you full lifetime access to this course. And includes all future updates.

For Medical Education Providers
If you have responsibility for MedEd within your organisation, contact us to make this online course available to colleagues, students, researchers and clinicians.
We offer group licenses to medical schools, hospitals, pharmaceutical and devices companies as well as medical communication agencies. The course can be accessed via this eLearning platform, or it can be transferred to yours.
Contact us: info [at] peopleportfolio [dot] com.